Cioffi Law Firm

Redesign and transformation of a brand.


Cioffi Law Firm, a law firm based in North Carolina which is well succesful after 8 years and having settled and litigated hundreds. The company was on a journey to redesign and re-create the brand to be positioned differently than the competition.


I proposed to start from scratch as the majority of lawyer's website in North Carolina were using Wordpress with almost the same UX/UI as other sites. I chose Gatsby for the front-end and SaSS + Tailwind for the styling. I almost chose Next.js but Gatsby was selected as it generates static HTML in advance, which can be stored on CDNs throughout the globe to facilitate quicker access. It also provides the best ratio of GraphQL, React and react-router which provide a developer-friendly static site generator.

The redesigned is modern, well designed in order to improve user experience, increase SEO and attract new clients.